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Hey welcome to Kaitlyn and Mikiko's blog "I'm Always Right!?" Our 8th grade project. We're newbies on blogger and so far it's been a very interesting experence. Please enjoy and feel free to comment. Its always nice to have a healthy argument! @-@

Friday, January 22, 2010

Modern Day Intergration on American Schools

The Little Rock Nine helped us get to this very big position in our society, as for many other very important people helped in the making. Schools, in specific integration in schools, the demolishing of discrimination. Although there is the big modern question I've been dying to get answered, "Are schools really integrated?", "Is there no more discrimination in schools?", or "Are we ready to be integrated or do we still have a long way to go?" When we look in to it, the answers could be really very disappointing.

Are schools really integrated? To answer this, one would say no, some schools are not entirely integrated. Some are still segregated by the choice of the children because of one's sex, sexual orientation, color, economic status, Achievement Gap, cliques and superficial stereotypes! For example, at Montgomery County High School in Mount Vernon, Ga. the students just had their first integrated prom in 2009! Also Central High School, the very high school the Little Rock Nine attended is still segregated after all that was done to integrate it. There is a documentary about Central High, and in the documentary it shows how Central high is now and how far we still have to go. The kids are separated by race. In the classes African American students are on one side of the classroom and the Caucasian students are on the other, and to see this can be very depressing. Especially the AP classes in Central High are segregated. The AP classes are made up mostly of Caucasian students, although there maybe one or two African American students.

These moments show us how far we have come and how much more we have to go. It is very sad to think about, but we must keep the progress up and some day it will pay off. I have a feeling that these events will be on the time line for a long time, but we are progressing.


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