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Hey welcome to Kaitlyn and Mikiko's blog "I'm Always Right!?" Our 8th grade project. We're newbies on blogger and so far it's been a very interesting experence. Please enjoy and feel free to comment. Its always nice to have a healthy argument! @-@

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

From the Civil War to the Mid 20th Century Timeline Summary

Once the Civil War ended the United States entered "The Reconstruction". This era was to bring the North and South back together after the war. To do this, the United States made the 13th, 14th, and 15th Amendments. The South did not like these Amendments, so to get around them they started segregation. Segregation brings us into the Jim Crow Era. Jim Crow Laws were created by the states to enforce segregation, which is the process of isolating and separating people from the main group because of differences. Now it wasn't that easy, not everyone agreed with segregation. But, if you don't agree with a law a state made the only way to change it is to take it to court and prove its unconstitutional. So that's what they did. In the case Plessy v. Ferguson they tried to prove "Separate but equal" was unconstitutional but they failed. About a 100 years later back in the court it was proved separate was NOT equal. Schools were one of the many things that were segregated. So in the case Brown v. Board of education the NAACP ( National Association for the Advancement of Colored People) fought for schools to be integrated. One of there hardest cases they had was trying to integrate nine students into Center High in Little Rock Arkansas, but the succeeded. Those nine children were soon known as Little Rock Nine.


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