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Hey welcome to Kaitlyn and Mikiko's blog "I'm Always Right!?" Our 8th grade project. We're newbies on blogger and so far it's been a very interesting experence. Please enjoy and feel free to comment. Its always nice to have a healthy argument! @-@

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Achievment Gap Response

"Black and Latino students are 2-3 times more likely to have below basic skills in reading and math." - Found from Achievement Gap class statistic sheet.

This statistic is very...... interesting. There are many different theories why this statistic is true. Some people believe that African Americans and Latinos were born with smaller brains. As rude as that may sound many people really did and maybe still do believe that that is the case. Some people may believe it's students life at home or just the differences in race. To me it seems like a domino effect. This goes back to our first post about having a shorter life if you decide to be a high school drop-out and how high school drop-outs are mostly Black and Latino students. Since according to this statistic Blacks and Latinos start off below basic skills, so this means everything is most likely going to be ten times harder. So by the time there in high school they are going to be tired of the struggle, causing them to drop-out and most like wind up with problems with the law, causing them to have a shorter life span.


  1. I really like how you provided some historical background to this issue and then provied your own insight. The idea of a "domino effect" is strong and it makes sense... it's like being in a hole that keeps being dug deeper and deeper...

  2. Very good point there Mr.T, and I also agree with you Kaitlyn. I think that high school dropout having a shorter life is very, or too dramatic. There can be a lot of other factors ni the way as well, such as the ones that you listed above: joining gangs, doing drugs, adn being poor. If the deal was that the person being poor, then he/she really isn't the person to blame, because if i was poor, I would quit school too and come up with some way to make money, even if it's stupid.

  3. We disagree but we mostly agree because everyone is born with a similar brain. But it depends on what kind of person you are. It doesn't matter your race its your situation that causes you to do things and make certain choices.

  4. I also like the way you connect these statistics and explain how falling behind leads to so many other problems. I wonder what the next step is for our society. Can this change? Can we change it, even in a small way?

  5. Great job with this post. Many people agree with you about the domino effect. It is a common explanation of the achievement gap. A related domino effect is relates to those that never do catch up and then go on to have children. These parents who still have elementary school level reading and math skills have a hard time supporting their children in school because they struggled in school. This cycle can be broken, but it definitely takes extra work compared to those who start on level. - Ms. Giusto
