Welcome (^_^)

Hey welcome to Kaitlyn and Mikiko's blog "I'm Always Right!?" Our 8th grade project. We're newbies on blogger and so far it's been a very interesting experence. Please enjoy and feel free to comment. Its always nice to have a healthy argument! @-@

Friday, February 19, 2010

A Sequal to The Uglier Truth

Yes, every time you look in to products concerning animals there is always going to be cruelty, but what about us human beings, how are we treated? We are supposed to have rights, but the right of free speech is being denied some because of unsophisticated laws such as the Food Disparagement Laws. In which these laws declare that food companies are not to be publicly criticized. These laws were said to be created to "protect" farmers and food companies, but they might as well be made to protect the money these companies and their owners are receiving.

As consumers we have a right to know about our food, where it comes from, and what's in it. Even if it takes a little criticism of the food to get there and have people listen. We need to speak of our minds otherwise the government, other consumers, and industries won't listen to us. Not that the government or industries are helping out much in the first place.

Sometimes we overlook the fact that some workers and producers (a.k.a farmers for big companies like Tyson Chicken) are being denied just like us, more or less blackmailed as well. They are put in to great debt by the large corporations demands for live stock grown a certain way the corporations chooses, which is definitely not the pretty way. They are not always treated with respect or allowed to show people how the livestock is treated or their contracts will be broken and they will immediately be fired. Producers should have a right to raise livestock the way they want (not cruelly), be treated with respect, and not blackmailed in to staying with the industries.

These companies have a lot of secrets and it just takes a couple of people to speak the truth and a bit more to spread it. Most of all we need to understand these truths and listen.
- Mikiko

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