Welcome (^_^)

Hey welcome to Kaitlyn and Mikiko's blog "I'm Always Right!?" Our 8th grade project. We're newbies on blogger and so far it's been a very interesting experence. Please enjoy and feel free to comment. Its always nice to have a healthy argument! @-@

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Cashing for Fashion

What do we really get when we buy from clothing and shoe name brand companies? We definitely know the price, but is the price we pay worth it? Although it's not only the price, it's the choice we are making when buying these clothes. I mean do we have a choice or are we pressured in to buying the expensive and "in style" clothes by everyday society and Hollywood? Of course we are, think about it. Why else would I have bought that eighty dollar bedazzled, bejeweled? Ed Hardy tattoo style shirt? Oh, now I know why. That shirt was the same one the Jersey Shore guys were wearing. Or I had to buy it because all the kids at school wear Ed Hardy and if I didn't have it they would think I'm pops ( pops meaning poor as they would actually say in my school, yeah i didn't get it either.) That is the mentality of our generation now a days, children think that if you don't have expensive and overpriced shoes or clothes then you are poor, but most people with money don't exactly go flashing it around. I truly don't get how owning a pair of so called cool Nikes can impress kids, there are things more important in the world, like how those shoes were probably made in sweat shops, or even how you got cheated in to paying $250 for the shoes just for the name of the brand. I also don't get how children get so worked up on criticizing other kids on how they dress. If someone showed me their shoes to try and intimidate or impress me they wouldn't be getting very far because, well in the end guess who would get the last laugh, the Nike company and I.


1 comment:

  1. I agree. I find that as I get older I buy less and less name brands, but I still do occasionally get suckered into buying trendy clothes. Lame I know. LOVE your blog! Keep on posting! :o)
